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Nafiul Haque

Nafiul Haque, having grown up on major gaming platforms, began his journey as a journalist covering gaming news, reviews, and leaks. His passion evolved into a deep interest in gaming hardware. Now, he writes about everything from gaming laptop reviews to comparing the latest GPUs and consoles.

How Much Does a Dual Monitor Setup Affect FPS?

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

Does Dual Monitor Affect FPS

Having a dual monitor setup is rather common nowadays. It helps with multitasking as you can have multiple applications running side-by-side. For example, when you are writing, you can have an internet browser open on one screen and a notepad ...

What Does The CPI Button Do On A Mouse?

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

What Does The CPI Button Do On A Mouse

Whether you want a high-end gaming mouse or a basic model, being familiar with the technical aspect of a mouse will always help you choose the right one. And if you’re trying to upgrade your mouse, you’ll probably come across ...

ZHIYUN FIVERAY F100 Light Wand Review




Nafiul Haque


Poor lighting has the potential to destroy any photo or video shoot. Sadly, lighting equipment is occasionally expensive and cumbersome. RGB LED tube light can be your savior if you’re looking for a more flexible and affordable lighting system. A ...

Face ID Not Working After Water Damage? How To Fix It!

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

Face ID Not Working After Water Damage How To Fix It!

If you have had the heart-wrenching misfortune of accidentally dropping your iPhone in water, then there is a chance that your phone may have suffered from water damage. Moreover, one of the worst possible outcomes here is face ID not ...

How SSDs Make Gaming Faster: The Power Of Solid-State Storage

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

How SSDs Make Gaming Faster

Checking benchmarks for new CPUs and GPUs is an easy way to evaluate the performance effect of new hardware, but the same cannot be said for evaluating the performance impact of various SSDs. Gaming technology has come a long way ...

YTREES SENSE3 Wireless Charger Review

Accessories Reviews



Nafiul Haque

YTREES SENSE3 Wireless Charger Review

If you’re a fan of the Apple ecosystem, chances are your drawers are filled with iPhones, Apple Watch, and AirPods. There’s no denying that Apple loves to be simplistic in design, but what about charging? How many cords and chargers ...

Does Using Dual Monitors Use More GPU? Effects of Dual Monitors on GPU

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

Using dual monitors can help you in many ways when it comes to multitasking. For instance, if you are a gamer and have to keep an eye on emails and other stuff while focusing on gaming, you can do it ...

Are Monitor Stands Universal? The Definitive Answer

Tech Tips



Nafiul Haque

Are Monitor Stands Universal

Let’s say you are building a new gaming PC. You have decided on what GPU, CPU, motherboard, RAM, cooling system, power supply, etc. you want. However, in most cases, you are likely to spend a big chunk of your time ...

How to Use RØDE Wireless Go & Go II with iPhone? (2024)




Nafiul Haque

How to use Rode Wireless Go with an iPhone

As any aspiring content creator knows, audio quality is just as important as video when it comes to production value. The built-in mics on your iPhone may be convenient, but they just don’t cut it if you want to create ...

Rode Wireless Go II vs Rode Wireless Go: Should You Upgrade?




Nafiul Haque

Rode Wireless Go II vs Rode Wireless Go

Rode unveiled the Wireless Go II dual-channel microphone system in February 2021. One receiver and two transmitters make up this small and inexpensive package. The Wireless Go II has undergone a few firmware updates along the way to enhance its ...