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Kazi MD Arafat Rahaman

Arafat is a tech aficionado with a passion for all things technology, AI, and gadgets. With expertise in tech and how-to guides, he explores the digital world's complexities. Beyond tech, he finds solace in music and photography, blending creativity with his tech-savvy pursuits.

How To Know If CPU Cooler Is Compatible With Motherboard

Tech Tips



Kazi MD Arafat Rahaman

CPU Cooler Is Compatible With Motherboard

Among all the PC components in the CPU, the processor is the hottest part. To keep the processor cool for optimal performance, we use a CPU cooler. The CPU cooler plays a vital role in maintaining the processor’s temperature within ...

Cryptocurrency: The Future of Finance and Money




Kazi MD Arafat Rahaman

Crypto the Future of Finance

When Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled the Bitcoin white paper over a decade ago, it was difficult to predict the role of cryptocurrency in global finance. Some say that the discovery of blockchain technology is identical to the internet’s inception in the ...

Cryptocurrency: What’s It All About?




Kazi MD Arafat Rahaman

The world of the Matrix is real. So, do you want the red pill or the blue one? Cryptocurrency or the idea of the end of paper money has been around since the 80s and the 90s. We still have ...